1. This canon has been enacted by the church council very recently. 教会就在最近通过这条教规。
2. The king retired to his chamber. 国王回到他的房里休息了。
3. The council meets in the city hall. 该委员会在市政厅开会。
4. The report was released Tuesday by the Population Council, an international organization based in New York that studies issues related to child bearing. 这份报告是本星期二由人口委员会公布的。人口委员会是一家研究儿童养育问题的国际组织,总部设在纽约。
5. The Population Council report says women around the world tend to work longer hours than men, both at home and on the job. 人口委员会的报告说,全世界的妇女,无论在家里还是在工作岗位上,都往往比男性工作的时间长。
6. The Population Council report found that while most countries have done extensive research on women as mothers, men as fathers have been virtually invisible to researchers. 人口委员会的报告发现,尽管多数国家都对身为母亲的女性做了大量研究,但对身为父亲的男性,研究者们却几乎视而不见。
7. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) favors a code of conduct that would ban the giving and seeking of bribes. 国际商会(ICC)赞成用行为准则来禁止行贿索贿。
8. At the council broad he was taciturn and never opened his lips. 在会议桌上他沉默寡言,从没张嘴巴。
9. A few months later, a couple of almost comic body-thieves stole his body from the family burial chamber and held it for money: the police recovered it with more efficiency than Mack Sennett's clumsy Keystone Cops would have done. 几个月后,几个近乎可笑的盗尸者从他的家庭墓室盗走了他的尸体以借此诈钱。警方追回了他的尸体,其效率比麦克·塞纳特拍摄的启斯东喜剧片中的笨拙警察要高得多。
10. After winning her council seat, she declined a spot on the education and social services committee after a colleague called it "a woman's committee". 在赢得市议会席位之后,她拒绝了被同事称为"女人委员会"的教育及社会服务委员会的职位,